Production philosophy

Kitron is the only Gravity winery in Israel and one of the few in the world

The structure and architecture of the winery has been carefully planned and built for many years with large investments ,Professional planning was done with an American company which is an expert in harmony between ancient and modern elements while keeping the highest professional standards. 

Our aim is to produce wine using Gravitation thru a unique and modern construction system so as to keep maximum natural method of wine production Hence, the winery consists of 4 levels adjusted to producing wine according to specific timetable and relevant needs of the process.

Gravity winemaking is based on minimal human intervention and maximum use of the forces of nature. The grapes are unharmed as the whole process is done in a natural environment. We believe that a pure and precise wine is a wine produced in a gentle manner as in nature. A free flow of the wine from one level to another by Gravity alone and no pumps etc. creates a round wine with a soft and bitter free ending.
This wine producing method brings the wine world to new achievements.